Tuition & Financial Accessibility

Enhancing financial accessibility is a priority for TanenbaumCHAT. We welcome students from a wide array of economic backgrounds and we encourage all families to apply. We are dedicated partners in helping families achieve their goal of sending their child to our school.

Depending on combined family income, families may be eligible for a fee reduction through one of two programs: UJA’s Community Scholarships Program or the TanenbaumCHAT Tuition Accessibility Program (TTAP). All families automatically receive tuition assistance information, and both programs are completely confidential.

Through the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni and friends, the Powering TanenbaumCHAT annual campaign is dedicated to supporting tuition assistance at our school.

For further information about tuition assistance at TanenbaumCHAT, please contact Angela Buslovich at

Tuition & Other Fees

Tuition for the 2024/25 school year is $23,900. Next year’s tuition will be set by March 30, 2025. (Please note that a portion of the tuition fee may be eligible for a Canadian charitable tax receipt.)

Other Costs

  • Mandatory charges for materials and activities that are part of the curriculum may add up to $500 (in Grade 9). Textbooks – new or used – typically cost $300-$700 annually. Other charges depend on course and extracurricular choices.

  • TanenbaumCHAT offers a daily school bus. If you live in Toronto south of Finch, contact Kerryn Dveris at for more information. If you live in York Region north of Steeles, contact Zoe Shuman at

  • Please note that families may be eligible for financial assistance for many costs in addition to tuition. No student should be prevented from participating in any school activity because of financial reasons.

Withdrawal Information & Fees

Students registered at TanenbaumCHAT who decide to withdraw their application for any reason are subject to the following non-refundable charges, effective according to the date that notice of withdrawal in writing is received by the school. Please note that late fees, if incurred, are non-refundable.

Date of withdrawal Non-refundable charges
After submission of application and prior to offer of acceptance Application fee of $250
After the expiry of the offer of acceptance letter Application fee of $250 and tuition deposit of $750
Once TanenbaumCHAT is in receipt of the signed offer of acceptance letter up until July 14 Application fee of $250 and tuition deposit of $750 and confirmation deposit of $1000
From July 15 to August 31 Application fee of $250 and tuition deposit of $750 and confirmation deposit of $1000. Plus 2 months tuition fees in full and course and materials fee
After September 1 Application fee of $250 and tuition deposit of $750 and confirmation deposit of $1000. Plus 2 months' tuition fees in full and course and materials fee, Plus $2250 per month or part thereof in attendance