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In grade 9, students take a total of 11 subjects throughout the year: 7 in General Studies and 4 in Jewish Studies. Students are required to take English, Math, Science, French, Canadian Geography, and Physical Education. They also choose from one elective, which is discussed during the interview. The Jewish Studies subjects are Ivrit, Tanach, Rabbinics or Talmud, and Jewish History. Students have each subject three times a week.
We recognize that every child has unique social, emotional and academic needs. We are committed to creating an environment in which all our students have the opportunity to thrive. The Student Services team is coordinated by the Director of Student Services and comprises the Centre for Differentiated Learning (CDL), the Deans’ Office, and the Guidance Department. Together, they offer a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach to supporting the whole student. We see parents and guardians as active partners in this endeavour.
The CDL may provide support to students with exceptional learning and academic needs who have a current psycho-educational assessment. Through ongoing consultation with parents and students, the CDL oversees academic accommodations to help ensure that the student’s unique learning profile is addressed in all academic and extracurricular settings.
We are proud that our graduates go on to lead successful lives after high school. In a typical year, more than 85% of our graduates attend college or university in Canada, the U.S. or abroad; approximately 10% are accepted to programs in Israel; and around 4% elect to work or travel. More than 90% of our grads are accepted to their first choice of college or university and over 60% move on to graduate studies.
Yes, busing is available for an extra fee for students in Toronto and York Region. Information to sign up for busing will accompany Offers of Acceptance in February.
There are three Jewish Studies streams: Academic, Intermediate, and New Stream. The Academic and Intermediate streams are designed for students coming from Jewish day schools while New Stream is a program designed for students with little or no Jewish day school background.
Students who graduated from a Jewish day school, or who attended a Jewish day school any time in grades 6, 7, or 8, go into either the Academic or Intermediate Jewish Studies stream.
Guidance Department
A team of guidance counsellors advises students on course selection and personal educational planning, career counselling, university and college entrance, and study programs in Israel. Confidential personal counselling is also offered to students who wish to discuss academic, social or personal issues.
The Rotman/Rohringer Deans’ Office
The Deans’ Office offers students and parents an added layer of support. The Deans’ oversee matters related to managing behavioural and school expectations, workload, tardiness and absences due to illness and many other important issues in the life of a high school student. The Deans’ are available to assist in all aspects of school and teenage life.
TanenbaumCHAT enjoys a lively school culture and ruach (spirit), with an extensive roster of extracurricular activities. Over 100 clubs and committees provide a full array of options. Students can deepen existing interests or explore new ones, strengthen their skills, make new friends and take on leadership roles. The school fields more than 25 sports teams and competes in the TDCAA league. There is an active Student Council, and there are many special events throughout the year including school plays and musicals, a talent show, celebrations and competitions.
The school is open to all students of the Jewish Community who meet its entrance requirements.